Monday, May 20, 2019

PTSO Newsletter (Chinese) 5-20-2019

PTSO Newsletter (Chinese) 5-20-2019

Food for Final (6/4-6/6)
需要义工帮忙收课本(6/3 - 6/7)
11年级:毕业生颁奖夜需要你帮忙 (6/3)
导师信息: (None)
Booster / Club 信息:
MAP: SMASH'N Facebook 线上拍卖is LIVE
社区信息: (None)
Food for Final (6/4-6/6)
你想帮助学生减轻期末考的压力吗? 这是你的机会! 学生们喜欢在期末考之间聚会和吃点心。
PTSO将供应水果,bagels, muffins, granola bars和优格。 志愿者可提供食物,和帮忙准备,和监看桌子!

需要义工帮忙收课本(6/3 - 6/7)
图书馆需要您的帮助来收教科书。 请查看下面注册。 您可以注册多天。来时, 请务必穿舒适的衣服。 谢谢!

11年级:毕业生颁奖夜需要你帮忙 (6/3)
6月3日是今年毕业生和家人的重要的夜晚。 这是毕业颁奖之夜,毕业生在SHS四年期间的成就得到认可。

请注册美味的自制(No Nuts)零食。 用手就可以的食物,因为我们没有叉子
您可以在McAfee外放下甜点。 在晚上7:20之后随时开车到迈克菲,我们可以从你的车上取下它,你不必停车。

MAP: SMASH'N Facebook 线上拍卖is LIVE
SMASH'N Facebook在线上拍卖已经上线,正在出价中...您可以查看我们的Facebook线上拍卖

您必须使用您的个人Facebook帐户参加SMASH'N Facebook线上拍卖 - 如此我们能够识别出价者让您/您的学生出价。

Facebook通知。 要查看我们拍卖的物品,请访问我们的Facebook活动页面,然后单击“Discussion”以查看
拍卖消息。 您可以通过对该拍卖项目的Post在评论兰出价。 在出价之前,请务必参考最初出价和每次增额。

  1. SHS Parking spot: Opening Bid $100 (incremental increase $25) - no bids
  2. (2) Oakland A's Lounge Seats plus more - currently at 2 bids with latest bid of $125
  3. (4) 49ers Club Seats plus more -  currently at 5 bids with latest bid of $325
  4. (5) Front Row VIP SHS Graduation Tickets - currently at 3 bids with the latest bid of $350
  5. (4) Luxury Spa Experiences - currently at 3 bids with the latest bid of $250
  6. DJI Spark Done + 2 Hour Drone Lesson - currently at 3 bids with the latest bid of $300
  7. Pacific Grove Beach House for a Family or Couples Retreat - currently at 4 bids with the latest bid of $375
  8. .Adobe Creative Cloud 1 year Subscription - currently at 5 bids with the latest bid of $275
  9. .COREvolution Exercise sessions - currently at 2 bids with the latest bid of $125

我们的SMASH'N线上拍卖于5月23日星期四晚上9点结束。 开始出价...



MAP Board
The Media Arts Program invites students to celebrate their learning in an academy setting with a focus on
rigorous academic standards in English and Social Studies while developing skills in media-related performance
and production technologies, including exposure to several cutting edge programs for video, animation, and
other mass media. Instruction emphasizes collaboration, communication, and team interaction as students
work with their peers, teachers, and industry professionals.
What is the Media Arts Program?

SHS 家長會

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