Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Principal’s Newsletter (Chinese) 5-15-2019 They Did It! And a Few More Things

Principal’s Newsletter (Chinese) 5-15-2019 They Did It! And a Few More Things

他们赢了! 男子高尔夫在Laguna Seca高尔夫球场获得CCS第三名! 这是我们有史以来第一次参加NorCals
比赛! 恭喜教练Gragnola,Kevin Sze,Michael Burry,Albert Jing,Daniel Kraft,Geoffrey Jing和William Liu,
他们以376的成绩获得了CCS铜牌。 祝你们下周一在Davis的El Macero乡村俱乐部有更好的成绩。

本周六有另一支球队参加NorCals赛,男子羽毛球双打Ryan Hsiao和Adrian Mar将在独立高中比赛。加油!

Annika Donez上周末在CCS 跳水获得第九名。恭喜!

SMASH'N即将上场! MAP媒体艺术的奥斯卡奖是5月24日星期五,5:30pm在迈克菲中心举行。 这是一个
难忘的晚会,有影片,颁奖和丰厚奖品! 以下看看如何在Facebook拍卖赢得很棒的东西。 不要错过!

Yearbook下周开始分发! 5月22日星期三,在Tutorial和午餐时间在大Gym分发。 如果你有ASB,您可以直接
领取。 如果你没有ASB,可以到活动办公室买,每本$100,但供应有限。早早来买! 谢谢Tyler先生和Yearbook

Paul Robinson

SMASH'N Facebook在线上拍卖已经上线,正在出价中...您可以查看我们的Facebook线上拍卖

您必须使用您的个人Facebook帐户参加SMASH'N Facebook线上拍卖 - 如此我们能够识别出价者让您/您的学生出价。

Facebook通知。 要查看我们拍卖的物品,请访问我们的Facebook活动页面,然后单击“Discussion”以查看
拍卖消息。 您可以通过对该拍卖项目的Post在评论兰出价。 在出价之前,请务必参考最初出价和每次增额。

  1. SHS Parking spot: Opening Bid $100 (incremental increase $25) - no bids
  2. 2 Oakland A's lounge seats + more - Opening Bid $100 (incremental increase $25) - 1 bid
  3. 4 49er Club Seats + more - Opening Bid $200 (incremental increase $25) - 4 bids
  4. 5 Front row SHS Graduation seats - Opening Bid $200 (incremental increase $25) - no bids
  5. Spa Experience + more - Opening bid $200 (incremental increase $25) - 1 bid
  6. BFF Photo shoot - Opening bid $350 (incremental increase $25) - no bids
  7. DJI Drone + 2 Hour Drone lesson - Opening bid $250 (incremental increase $25) - 1 bid
  8. Pacific Grove Family or Couple's Retreat for 1 night - Opening bid $300 (incremental increase $25) - 1 bid
  9. Rascal Flats concert - Opening bid $500 (incremental increase $50) - 1 bid
  10. Adobe Creative Cloud 1 year subscription - Opening bid $175 (incremental increase $25) - 1 bid

我们的SMASH'N线上拍卖于5月23日星期四晚上9点结束。 开始出价...



MAP Board
The Media Arts Program invites students to celebrate their learning in an academy setting with a focus on
rigorous academic standards in English and Social Studies while developing skills in media-related performance
and production technologies, including exposure to several cutting edge programs for video, animation, and
other mass media. Instruction emphasizes collaboration, communication, and team interaction as students
work with their peers, teachers, and industry professionals.
What is the Media Arts Program?

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