Tuesday, May 9, 2017

校长的话 5-7-2017

校长的话 5-7-2017

  • 这周的体育活动时间请参考学校日历
  • 星期四是最后一次的家长会开会,8:30am在学校餐厅举行,请大家参加。9:00am有 La Fondue 餐厅来示范如何做 Fondue 请报名
  • 需要买床垫吗? Saratoga Music Boosters Mattress Fundraiser 星期六 5/13 10am-5pm 在small gym 展示,欢迎购买
  • SHS Global Health Club's 2017 两星期在北京做义工 北京Immersion Program 报名资料 ,有兴趣参加或有问题可与Tyler Wu or Alexandria Tso (facebook or email) 联络
  • Speech and Debate在 State Championships in Pasadena 表现优越: Kyle Wang is the State Champ in Extemporaneous Speaking; Arian Raje took 4th in Extemporaneous Speaking; Varun Viswanath placed 2nd in Oratorical Interpretation; Divya Rallabandi finished 3rd in Oratorical Interpretation,SHS ranked 12th in the State 。在 University of Kentucky 的决赛:Ayush Aggarwal and Arun Ramakrishna were quarter-finalists in Public Forum; Austin Wang and Siavash Yaghoobi finished with a winning record in Public Forum; and Ruchi Maheshwari was 29th in Extemporaneous Speaking。恭喜!
  • 恭喜Haoxue Che 的文章得到 Growing Up Asian in America contest 奖章
  • 天气放暖了,请学生注意衣着,请参考学生手册

Paul Robinson

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